Our Trips


| Belize |

An opportunity to work with an incredible ministry in Central America. Do service projects and play with kids from the orphanage during the day, and head out to do ministry in a Mayan village in the evening. Trip limit: 12 people

Dates: 2020 dates TBD - 7 to 10 days

Ministry: LOL Ministry

Service Opportunities: Outreach to orphans, work projects on orphanage campus, ministry to local villages, and sports/fun days for children.

Difficulty Rating: Easy/Moderate


| Israel |

A hybrid trip that involves actually serving ministries and churches in Israel while also getting to tour some of the most popular spots in the Holy Land. Trip Limit: 12 people

Dates: 2020 dates TBD - 2 Weeks

Ministry: FIRM

Service Opportunities: Service projects, service to local churches/ministries, music/worship, teaching, sports camps, and many more.

Difficulty Rating: Moderate

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An opportunity for pastors and other leaders to help train and teach pastors and missionaries in another country. Through conferences and one-on-one teaching, you can use your gifts and talents to help advance the growth of a church in an unreached area of the world. Trip limit: 6 people

Dates: TBD - 10 to 14 days

Ministry: Revealed once you are accepted for a trip

Difficulty Rating: Challenging

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An opportunity for CEOs, business owners, and other leaders to help train and teach Biblical standards to future leaders in another country. Through school, conferences and one-on-one teaching, you can use your knowledge and education to advance businesses and schools in an unreached area of the world. Trip limit: 6 people

Dates: TBD - 10 to 14 days

Ministry: Revealed once you are accepted for a trip

Difficulty Rating: Challenging


|Missionary Care|

Take a unique trip to visit one of your supported missionaries and spend time with them on the field and treat them to an experience that will encourage them for years to come. Take time to talk with them, learn what they do first hand, and bless them in more ways than you could imagine.

Dates: Custom to your schedule and missionary availability

Ministry: One of your supported missionaries

Difficulty Rating: Varies